The radio composition of an invisible reality follows the sunrise: The programme behind
RadioSolarKompass connects radios from all over the world depending on the time of sunrise.
You can see on the worldmap, where actually the sun is rising and from this location, you can
hear a radio broadcast.
The collection consists of 1500 radio stations and the density is not constant. The times of
changes between the radio stations will be of longer and shorter duration.
RadioSolarKompass can also be interpreted as sonification of the rotation of our earth.
Space. We can feel the impact of the connection to the macrocosmos, when we watch the stars.
The extraordinarily beautiful moment of sunrise evokes a concentrated reference to the sun
within the magic of cosmic space. RadioSolarKompass aims to be a compass to stimulate sense
and imagination, a planetary feeling for the space around us.
Space as a metaphor for freedom: We embrace the fundamental changes, which the Internet has
brought by multiplying media channels and by increasing the possibilities for a wider spectrum
of broadcasts and information.
Roman Haefeli
Anja Kaufmann
Graphic design
Jan Kříbek
Václav Havlíček
Exhibition concept
Robert Köhler
Thanks and credits to
All the Radios, which are part of RadioSolarKompass for the radio collection for support
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